Our customer specializes in technology solutions for school districts and federal agencies. They work with the clients to leverage their technology investments, reduce risks, strengthen their financial management, increase accountability, and improve decision-making.
Acelo Solutions owns a whole subsidiary of Online School Management Systems (OSMS). Chimera came on board to help build the school management system modules.
Our Strategy:
Chimera team helped in developing a school administration system for our client that assists them in improving the efficiency of school management records.
Our Solution:
We came up with few of the modules that helped them to ease the transactions between the client and the parents such as,
Online School Payments
This allows the schools to post activities such as yearbook, field trips, and uniforms online so that parents can quickly pay using a credit card or an eCheck.
Online Teacher Receipting
This portal is a fully integrated online school activity receipting system, allowing teachers and other staff to process cash, check and credit card payments from parents and students using a web browser from any location.
Online School Care
This web-application is fully unified is for before and after child care management. It allows school districts to manage an extended day, summer, and student enrichment programs throughout the district at multiple sites with central program oversight from enrolment to billing.
Online School Activity Funds
This is an entirely featured school activity accounting package. It is installed centrally and delivered over the web eliminating individual installations at each school, saving your district time and money.
Online School Registration
This online school registration web-application lets the district adult education and technical centre students register and pay for courses online using a credit or eCheck.
Business Outcome:
This portal had several benefits like,
- It automates Attendance of child, Staff, food program, Licensing of the centers and providers
- Separate kiosks for staff and child are available for logging the check-in and check-out times.
- New modules for payroll by tracking the Staff Attendance/Child ratio are being introduced
Tech Stack:
DotNetNuke 7.0, Visual Studio 2010, SQL Server 2008